Read the labels


I met a beautiful older lady at the Artisans market on the Canopy bridge in Whangarei where I was selling my products.  She picked up a bottle of Greek Lemon Season-All and said;

“I went to the doctors for a general checkup and he praised me for having really good numbers but advised I should cut down on my salt intake.  So the next day I went to the grocery store and bought a jar of Lemon Pepper.  I used that on everything, every day!  I didn’t use salt at all.  The next time I went to see my doctor he screeched….WHAT DID YOU DO? YOUR NUMBERS ARE THROUGH THE ROOF!  When I told him about the Lemon Pepper I bought, I was shocked to find out it had salt.  I thought it was just Lemon and Pepper.” 

Her Lemon Pepper had 952mg of sodium per ¼ teaspoon.  When I showed her the NIP on my Greek Lemon Season-All she was pleased to see it was only 47mg per ¼ teaspoon. 

Read the ingredients.  Ingredients are listed in order of quantity from largest to smallest.

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  • Julia Page
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