About the Paraschos - Page One Spice Family

 About the Paraschos - Page One Spice Family

  • We offer Seasoning Blends with more Herbs, less Salt
  • We're Gluten free and all Natural.
  • We are located in Clean-Green- Pure New Zealand
  • Follow us #onespice 
  • Like us www.facebook.com/onespice

Background: Julia (Paraschos) Page; Growing up in the restaurant industry with her father George and grandfather Peter, both celebrated Greek chefs, led Julia to try her hand as a culinary entrepreneur after spending several years in the IT industry.  She began with one product; Greek One Spice® aka “the family secret recipe” portraying her father on the label.  This seasoning blend was the special ingredient used to make pizza sauce, salad dressings and season steak, lamb & chicken. The label has gone through a few changes with the current label showing her dad holding up the original bottle which some of her loyal customers will remember.

Over the years the product range has grown with a focus on developing seasoning blends packed full of flavor and less salt, using Himalayan Pink Salt as it's the oldest salt available on earth however using this salt alone on your food equals 760mg of sodium per 1/4 tsp which is why we base our products on healthy herbs.  One Spice is gluten free, vegetarian and contain no MSG or sodium chloride and are all natural, very clean eating.  

If you have been told to cut back on salt all One Spice products are suitable, if you have been told to cut salt out altogether ask your Doctor to approve these four; Bacon One Spice  32mg of sodium per 1/4 tsp serving, Chives & Garlic One Spice 17mg of sodium per 1/4 tsp serving Morocco One Spice (No Salt)   and No Salt Greek One Spice  The potassium content is next to nil as it is listed due to it being naturally contained in the Himalayan mineral salt."

 How much salt should you consume per day?

Toby Smithson, Nutrition & Dietetics, answered on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

The average American consumes between 3300 and 3400 milligrams of sodium/day. This is considered too much sodium in the diet. According to the Dietary Guidelines, Americans ages 2 and up should limit their sodium intake to 2300 milligrams/day which is equivalent to about a teaspoon of salt. There are five populations of people who should reduce their sodium further to 1500 milligrams/day. People who are 51 years or older, people with diabetes or high blood pressure or kidney disease and all African Americans of any age are recommended to decrease their sodium intake to 1500 milligrams/day.


Contact information

Office Mobile: 8:30-5:30

David Grimmes - Sales Manager

021 0819 6325



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